Training schedule for my half marathon

My Trainings-Schedule Half Marathon |

Training schedule for my half marathon

Some people train without a certain schedule, but for me following a schedule is really helpful to stay tuned. This time I want to finish the 13.1 in less than two hours. This goal seems a little bit ambitious right now, because I’m still struggling with knee pain and a very resistent cold.

I still try to follow my training plan, which I found on the webpage of runnersworld.
The plan schedules 4 workouts and 3 rest days per week. The workouts vary in their intensity. On Sunday you are usually supposed to do a slow long distance run. In between you switch between relaxed endurance runs, interval runs or speed plays. The last two are aiming for becoming faster.

If you want to have a closer look to my training schedule follow this link. And let me know what you think of it!
In addition to this running workouts I really, really need to follow a daily stretching routine, because I think that my knee problems are a result of shortened musculature in my legs.

 For the full over view click on the picture

Hey, my name is Doreen Klepzig. I am living in Berlin and working in the field of health care policy. In my leisure time I love to experience as much as possible of Berlin life and lifestyle. I ♥ travelling, sports, fashion, photography, good food and to write about this in my blog. Feel free to contact me:

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