review: surf & yoga vacation in El Cotillo / Fuerteventura

surf & yoga vacation in El Cotillo, Fuerteventura |

review: surf & yoga vacation in El Cotillo / Fuerteventura

I’m sorry that my review is coming so late, but right after my return an exciting and challenging chapter of my job life startet plus I was in the last phase of my halfmarathon preparation, so that I didn’t have the muse to care for my blog.

-Am I right here? – YES!

El Cotillo harbor, coastal landscape of Fuerteventura | kleppiberlin.deBut now here we go, and I will tell you about my week in Fuerteventura.

For me vacation is about being active, exploring new places and things that I always wanted to try.

Flying from Hamburg airport, I decided to go there one day before my flight and to spend some time with an old friend of mine. This was fun and the perfect start in my vacation.

The next day I took of to the Canarian Island Fuerteventura. After 5 hours the plane landed and I just had to find the bus shuttle that would bring me to the other side of the island to El Cotillo. In the beginning, every spot in the bus was taken, in the end I was the last and only passenger that didn’t want to go to Corralejo in the northeast. First I was worried if I had chosen the right spot, but pretty soon I knew El Cotillo was totally right for me.

– Landscape love

cute little rodents are everywhere along the southern coast of El Cotillo |

Thanks to Manu Stanu (

The First day I was just walking along the beach in northern direction to the lighthouse „Faro de el Tostón“. I directly fell in love with this coastal landscape, that is so versatile and blessed with so many beautiful panoramic viewpoints. I had to stop over and over again to take pictures of what I was allowed to see.

And I got a good impression of the weather conditions: you never really know what to wear. One minute you really feel like summer and shorts and a top are all you need and the next minute, you pull over everything you have, because you are freezing cold.

In the afternoon I decided to have a look at the surfing spot, where I would start to learn surfing the next day. This sunday the weather conditions were perfect for surfers, so I saw a big group of good surfers chilling in the water and waiting for perfect waves. At the same time the sky was illuminated with the most lovely light. I got really excited to become a surfer girl myself.

-Becoming a surfer girl

The next day I went to fresh surf, for my first surf lesson. First at all we learned the basic theory and we had to sign some papers. I assured that I would be able to crawl 15 minutes straight in open water. I signed, even if I wasn’t sure about this. 😉

small group lessons by Andy from fresh surf | kleppiberlin.deOur surf teachers: Andy, Christiano and Angie equipped us with boards and wetsuits before we headed „straight“ to the beach. Since it was a steep coast we had to carry all your stuff from the parking spot down to the beach. This was already challenging because it is always windy here and this week there was especially a lot of wind. So actually I was already a little exhausted when I reached the beach with my board.

Before going into the water one of the teachers always made a little warm-up-program. After that we split up directly in smaller groups, each with their own teacher. The first day I was in the Andy-group, the next day in Christianos-group. And without offense, I had the most benefit when Christiano teached me. He was very anxious to be there for every student, and to give individual advice. He always helped us getting in the water with the board (because it is really exhausting), had many tiny advices and a lot of useful instructions to learn to get up on the board. I felt really save with him and I had the feeling that his goal was, that every student finishes the course with personal progress and the sense of achievement. And on this second day I was really catching the white water and was riding some baby waves. The third day were really heavy weather conditions: really windy and a heavy tide. It looked impressive from the beach, but  going into the water wasn’t funny at all. I felt the power of the elements and I swallowed tons of salt water. I admit that I was afraid too. After two tries, me and the other girl of the surf course decided to quit for this day.

Instead I took pictures for all the tough guys that kept trying to surf.

-yoga pain relief

My whole body was in pain because surfing was so exhausting. In advance I had also booked 5 yoga lessons. So every evenig at 6 pm I went to Anas yoga session. First I was surprised because it was a pretty sporty, challenging almost aerobic yoga. But as I had to learn this is a special yoga style: Hatha. Anna was always giving advice what each position is supposed to feel like and she went to all the course participants and showed them how to do it right and also she sometimes helped with her bodyweight to stretch more. At the end of the week, I was totally in love with this yoga routine, and I was sad that I couldn’t take it with me to Berlin.
I can really imagine to return to Fuerteventura, because surfing with fresh surf was fun and I think El Cotillo / FTV is THE #surf place in Europa. Besides that I really loved the landscape and the light of this island.

You want to make your own experiences? Surf to or do some yoga with Ana at home.



Hey, my name is Doreen Klepzig. I am living in Berlin and working in the field of health care policy. In my leisure time I love to experience as much as possible of Berlin life and lifestyle. I ♥ travelling, sports, fashion, photography, good food and to write about this in my blog. Feel free to contact me:

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