24 Sep cosy Berlin event series: Live im 25
One of the things I really love about Berlin is the great choice of cultural events.
Last week (2015/17/09) I went to an event series from the 25 hours hotel bikini in Berlin: “live im 25” (live at the 25).
The concept was described as followed: “Opposites attract. At the 25 hours hotel bikini berlin the zoo meets the city, the nature the culture. Because of the fun of contrast the 25 hours hotel brings artists together, that doesn’t fit together at first sight.”
Kathrin Weßling an author from Hamburg and the singer Lara Maria Gräfen with band were announced. Before hand I had known the author Weßling a little bit, so I decided the event could be nice and I would stop by.
The entrance was free. I walked into a room with industrial chic and lounge character. Checking the other guests I was pretty sure it would become a hipster event (without value, I am probably a hipster myself). The only exception was an adorable older couple, obviously quite interested in young artists. I chose a seat by the windows, because they offered a pretty good view on the stage. Before everything started I got me a glass of whine. Quite pricy, but for the location and no entrance fee I resumed it was more than ok.
So then Kathrin Weßling started reading from her book “drüberleben”, a collection of stories about the unbearable fragility of love and life. She read two stories. They were describing those awful moments of life after a breakup. How human beings can struggle and suffer from a breakup from a human being that they used to love or still love. She does that with a provocative and at the same time a funny writing style. And she describes pretty accurate the usual urban hipster, with all its digital devices and all its emotional problems. At some points of the story I really felt found out.
Afterwards Lara Maria Gräfen and her band came on stage. A beautiful young women with blond curly hair, red lipstick and a thrilling black dress. I didn’t know anything about her. But I instantly liked her music. At first it sounded really like chansons, but there was also an indie character in her music. The lyrics are in german and really good and touching and Berlin related.
Both artists were great on their own. Actually I thought they would interact somehow with another or that a moderator would somehow connect those both artists and their art, because with the description“opposites attract” I somehow excepted some kind of bringing those artists together not only on the same stage but also connect their doing somehow. Maybe that wasn’t the claim and I just have misinterpreted something. But anyway I think that would add a plus to the event.
I still enjoyed the evening and was happy to get to know two really nice young creative artists that were more or less new to me.
I really liked „live im 25“. Do you think this event series is interesting?
Well, more sessions are planned every 3rd thursday of the month up to december this year.
Next event:
15.10.2015 – reading Tod Wodicka vs. concert Noah Slee
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